Ajabatha (QLD)

LocationFrom north of Ebagoola south to Musgrave; west to headwaters of Coleman and Holroyd rivers; east to Dividing Range and Violet Vale.
Co-ordinates143°10'E x 14°35'S
Area1,900 sq. m. (4,900 sq. km.)
ReferencesParry-Okeden, 1897; McConnel, 1930, 1939-1940, 1950; Thomson, 1935, 1946; Sharp, 1939; Tindale, 1940.
Alternative NamesAiabadu, Aiyaboto, Jabuda, Koka Ai-ebadu, Aiebadu, (with glottal stop), Koko Aiebadu, Kikahiabilo (presumably I = diphthong, 1 = typographical error for t).