
Reports, policies & plans

Our reports, policies and plans are in the public domain.

Annual reports

Each annual report provides a financial year review of the operations, research and collection activities of the South Australian Museum.

The reports include financial statements and information on governance and organisational structure. They are tabled in the South Australian Parliament at the end of each financial year.

You can download the annual reports of the South Australian Museum below:

Annual report 2022-23

Annual report 2021-22

Annual report 2020-21

Annual report 2019-20

Annual report 2018-19

Annual report 2017-18

Annual report 2016-17

Annual report 2015-16

Annual report 2014-15

Annual report 2013-14

Annual report 2012-13

Annual report 2011–12

Annual report 2010–11

Annual report 2009–10

Annual report 2008–09

Annual report 2007–08

Annual report 2006–07

Annual report 2005–06

Annual report 2004–05

Annual report 2003–04

Annual report 2002–03

Collection policies

The South Australian Museum has policies regarding access to the collections, to protect the objects and specimens. 

You can download the Collections Policies below.

Repatriation of Ancestral Remains and Burial Goods Policy 

Collections Policy and Procedure 2018-2023

Destructive Analysis Policy

Secret Sacred Collection Policy

Restitution of Cultural Heritage

Protection of Cultural Objects on Loan

The South Australian Museum has been but is not currently an approved institution under the Protection of Cultural Objects on Loan Scheme. The scheme is operated by the Australian Government's Department of Communications and the Arts. The scheme provides legal protection for cultural objects on loan from overseas lenders for temporary public exhibition in Australia.

It limits the circumstances in which lenders, exhibiting institutions, exhibition facilitators and people working for them can lose ownership, physical possession, custody or control of objects while on loan to an approved Australian institution. 

Under the Scheme approved institutions are required to publish provenance information relating to material which will be protected by the scheme's provisions. The South Australian's published information under these requirements can be found in the Protection of Cultural Objects on Loan section of our website

For further information about the Protection of Cultural Objects on Loan Scheme, see the website of Department of Communications and the Arts.

Coming up next


Up Next:
Aboriginal heritage and repatriation