Kaurareg (QLD)

LocationPrince of Wales Island and southwestern islands of Torres Strait-today a blended group of Australian and Torres Strait Island people speaking an Australian language.
Co-ordinates142°10'E x 10°40'S
Area150 sq. m. including reefs (400 sq. km.)
ReferencesMcGillivray, 1850; MacGillivray, 1852; Jardine in Byerley, 1857; Creed in Ridley, 1878; Haddon, 1890, 1904; Howitt, 1904; Davidson, 1938; Sharp, 1939; McConnel, 1939-1940; Tindale, 1940; Thomson, 1957; Laade, 1967.
Alternative NamesKaurarega, Kowrarega, Kauralaig, Kauraleg, Kororega, Korariga, Kauralaigal (K. people), Malulaig, Muralug (name of part of Prince of Wales Island), Wathai-yunu (horde on Prince of Wales Island), Muralag, Kokkaiya (horde on Yorke Islands), Alkaiyana (people of 'inside' Turtle Islands), Koiyana (people of 'outside' islands).