Wirngir (WA)

LocationCoast from near Cape Bernier southeast to the lower Lyne River and Vancouver Point; inland no farther than the highlands. There are about nine hordes that have together been called a subtribe in the literature, without indication of specific attachment to any other. They visited Reveley Island which they knew as ['Djaru]. Their language is said to be distinctive. Lucich notes that their supposed language name, Walar, denotes a species of snake and is also the name of a clan of the Miwa tribe. Further work is urgently necessary on this area before tribal boundaries and names can be firmly established.
Co-ordinates127°50'E x 14°30'S
Area800 sq. m. (2,100 sq. km.)
ReferencesElkin, 1933; Kaberry, 1935; Capell, 1940; Tindale, 1953; Lucich, 1966 MS.
Alternative NamesWalar (supposed language name), Wular, Wola, Wadaja, Winggir (also as Baiane; native names of Cape Dussejour).