Incomplete correspondence between Albrecht and Riedel (not else where documented)

Archive Collections / Pastor Friedrich Wilhelm Albrecht / Incomplete correspondence between Albrecht and Riedel (not else where documented)
Date Range1943  -  1950
CollectionPastor Friedrich Wilhelm Albrecht
Quantity   96   Correspondence
ArrangedChronoligical where documented, otherwise none
Series IdentifierAA 662/097

A significant quantity of correspondence (AA 662/97/1) has been located as 'estrays' and some attempt has been made to reintegrate it into its chronological sequence. However little success was obtained. The majority is from Albrecht and a small number of items are from Riedel (AA 662/92/2). The date range indicated is approximate.

Where possible an attempt has been made to determine the number of pages missing.

Included Items