Tim Smith's database of Foelsche's images of Northern Territory Aboriginal people and places

Archive Collections / Paul Heinrich Matthias Foelsche / Tim Smith's database of Foelsche's images of Northern Territory Aboriginal people and places
CollectionPaul Heinrich Matthias Foelsche
Series IdentifierAA 96/04

The database (and hard copy) links each photograph by referencing image number (215-622) to identifying data (such as date, name, clan, age and sex for NT Aboriginal people; and number (1-189) date, description or caption, Richards refers to Richards album number, NLA refers to National Library of Australia number, SAML refers to State Library of South Australia (Mortlock Library) number, NT Album refers to Northern Territory Library number, Lindsay refers to D Lindsay (Sir Ernest Daryl Lindsay (1889 - 1976) ) collection number and Noye refers to the format of copies held in the Robert James Noye (1932 - 2002) collection.