This item contains the following documents:

  1. Extract from Birth Registration for Eric Johnson (measuring approximately 17.5x10.5 cm) from The Office of the Principal Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, South Australia. One page. 24 December 1954.

  2. Quarterly newsletter of the Cave Exploration Group (South Australia), including account of recent trips and programme of planned trips for July-September, 1960. Two pages. 30 June 1960.

  3. Extract from The Courier newspaper, Ballarat (measuring approximately 32.5x48 cm), including an article entitled 'The Native Art of Stone-Flaking' (author not named). One page. 17 August 1963.

  4. Envelope (measuring approximately 22x11 cm), postmarked Nowra, New South Wales (likely to have contained correspondence from Col Price), and bearing handwritten equations and formulae. 31 July 1981.

  5. Two black and white (b/w) photographic prints depicting Johnson. Annotations on the reverse side and handwritten notes on an attached piece of paper state the photographs were taken at Pualco, South Australia, in May 1977.

  6. Colour photographic print (measuring approximately 13x9 cm) depicting Johnson. Handwritten annotations on the reverse side read 'Jim E Johnson, Iron Monarch Quarry, SA, Open cut mining, from Hans-J Wagener [?]'. 9 May 1982.

  7. Handwritten notes under heading 'Regards ignition of bitumen road surface, vicinity of Elizabeth' discussing a specimen of burnt road surface material from Elizabeth, South Australia. One page. 24 June 1982.

  8. Certificate of Participation (measuring approximately 28.5x20.5 cm) made out to Jim Johnson from The Adelaide Gem and Mineral Exhibition. One page. 16-17 October 1982.

  9. Lined notepaper (measuring approximately 15.5x20.5 cm) bearing a handwritten note relating to a mineral specimen 'from South end of the Putappa Gap zinc mine Beltana. S.A.'. One page. 8 June 1983.

  10. Envelope (measuring approximately 18.5x11 cm), addressed to JE Johnson from Time Magazine, bearing handwritten notes relating to a mineral specimen. The address label is dated 25/06/1984.

  11. Invoice made out to Phillip Jones of the South Australian Museum from Paul France Fine and Rare Books. One page. 17 May 1990.

  12. One page letter to Dr Philip Clark (AA651) of the South Australian Museum from Peter C Thomson. The subject of the letter is 'Anthropological notes by Jim Johnson, with accompanying sundry Museum and official pamphlet publications', and attached to the letter were some anthropological notes by Johnson (related to manuscript 'Observations on Some Aboriginal Campsites in South Australia and Adjoining States' [AA 159/4/3]), and some photographs taken by the writer's father, BP Thomson. While the anthropological notes are no longer attached to the letter, there are 7 b/w photographic prints attached. Two of the prints depict an Australian Aboriginal man standing near a 4-wheel drive vehicle, and the five remaining prints depict an Australian Aboriginal man standing near a shelter. It is not clear where or when the photographs were taken, or who the subjects were, but the author of the letter stated it was his belief the pictures were taken during a trip to North-West South Australia in approximately 1960. 1 June 1998.

  13. Piece of white paper (measuring approximately 14x17.5 cm) bearing a small handwritten list of minerals. Author unknown. Undated.

  14. One page extract from a book containing a list of references relating to geophysical explorations around Kenmore Park, South Australia. It is not clear what publication this extract was taken from or when it was published.

  15. One page extract from a book containing a list of references relating to petroleum and natural gas resources in Queensland. It is not clear what publication this extract was taken from or when it was published.

  16. Handwritten list of minerals (written on the reverse side of an advertisement for cigarettes). One page. Undated.

  17. Handwritten list of various minerals and their source locations in Australia. Two pages. Undated.

  18. Three copies of a colour photographic print (measuring approximately 13x9 cm) depicting Johnson and a colleague. Undated.

  19. One colour photographic print (measuring approximately 8x8.5 cm) depicting Johnson sitting at a hotel bar. Undated.

  20. Small handwritten note on scrap of paper.

  21. Piece of plain paper (measuring approximately 21x12.5 cm) bearing a brief handwritten note relating to Johnson and the 'East Crocker Prospect'. Undated.

  22. Two pieces of paper containing handwritten notes relating to Johannes Menge, and a b/w photographic print of a painting depicting a man sitting in a chair. Handwritten notes on the reverse side of the photographic print indicate the painting depicts 'Johann Menge c. 1845'. Three pages. Undated.

  23. Photocopy of JE Johnson's South Australian Museum specimen number cards. One page. Undated.

  24. Strip of four b/w photographic negatives. An attached piece of paper bears the handwritten note 'JEJ at Parabarana Mines No. 35'. Undated.

  25. Piece of paper headed 'South Australian Museum Memorandum' (measuring approximately 21x15 cm) containing handwritten notes relating to meteorites acquired by Johnson for the South Australian Museum. The reverse side contains handwritten notes relating to Johnson that have been crossed out. One page. Undated.

  26. Handwritten list of published and unpublished works Johnson wrote or contributed to. This list may have been prepared following Johnson's death in October, 1983. Ten pages. Author unknown. Undated.

  27. Handwritten list of geological maps Johnson contributed to. This list may have been prepared following Johnson's death in October, 1983. Two pages (double-sided). Author unknown. Undated.

  28. Photocopy of a photographic print (measuring approximately 13.5x9 cm) depicting Johnson and several other individuals. The location, date and photographer are not known.

  29. Colour photographic negative depicting two people, one crouching and one taking a photograph. The negative is mounted on a card with the heading 'Technicolour SA' and boxes for printing instructions. Undated.

  30. One b/w photographic print (measuring approximately 16x10 cm) depicting a man, presumably Johnson, walking in front of a hill. Annotations at the bottom of the photograph read 'Stop 4, Bunyeroo Fm, Brachina Ck'. Undated.

  31. One page extract from typewritten document entitled 'Mining of Feldspar and Beryl, Olary Province, South Australia, by JG Olliver, SADME [SA Department of Mining and Energy]'. The extract contains a brief mention of Johnson. One page (double-sided). Undated.

  32. Typewritten list of mineralogical publications in Australia. Author unknown. One page. Undated.

  33. Handwritten list of mineral specimens under the heading 'Specimens for JE Johnson from "Hicks Ironstone Quarry" Yangya near Gladstone, SA'. The list bears handwritten annotations made by Johnson. Author unknown. Two pages. Undated.

  34. Handwritten notes prepared by Johnson under the heading 'A review of the twilight zone of mineralogy'. The notes appear to have been prepared for a draft paper or speaking presentation. Undated. One page.

  35. Two irregularly shaped pieces of paper containing handwritten notes prepared by Johnson in relation to 'the twilight zone of mineralogy'. Undated. Two pages (one is double-sided).

  36. Handwritten notes prepared by Johnson under the heading 'Probing the twilight zone in mineralogy'. The notes appear to have been prepared for a draft paper or speaking presentation. Undated. Five pages.

  37. This item is a 164 page string-bound document. This document is a carbon copy of a typewritten original. The document has a photocopied cover page bearing a hand-written title reading 'Catalogue of Mineral Specimens, JE Johnson'. On the first page of the document a handwritten annotation reads 'JE Johnson coll. of minerals'. The pages are bound without a cover, and so the first and last pages of the document are quite fragile. The specimens listed in the document have all been given a number (1 to 846, or F1 to F146 for fossils). Notes discussing the dimensions, characteristics, composition and source location of each specimen are also included. The length of the description given for each specimen varies from a few lines to half a page. Undated. Various of the samples have had another identifying number added by hand. The format for these later identifiers is the letter G followed by a unique number (e.g. G6583).

CreatorJohnson, James Eric
ControlAA 159/3/2
Date Range22 December, 1964  -  24 April, 1967
Quantity 2.25cm,   37   certificates, articles, prints, envelope, notes
FormatsLoose Photographic Prints, Loose Notes
Series AA159/3