Expedition log book Winton to Broome (2)

Black 100x160 mm notebook commences 3 September still desperate. Seperated from Yockney at a native water hole, Margie, grass hoppers for supper, found near Gordon Downs. Finishes near Roebuck Plains 8 October. Each daily entry includes camp number (eg C22) and a weather report.

  • 3 September two loose leaves, native well, Mulla Bulla, "black tracker", Kemp, Dick, Egan, Lisa (truck), Halls Creek, H Harper, 1886 gold, dog proof fence, Frank Taylor, Mr Walch, Margaret River Station, Cox, Louisa River, Dublin Museum, the oil bore, Jenny Kimberly Oil Co, Nura Nura, Mt Anderson, Derby, Alec Scott, Mother Hackett, Port Hotel, Sam Weycott, Joe Griffitin, Geraldton, Broome, Bertha, Jock Campbell, Dick Allen, Newcastle Waters, Oodnadatta

  • 1 October Fitzroy River, Broome, Dave Harrison, Streeters Station, Roeburn Plains, remainder taken up with various lists and hand drawn map Derby to Broome

CreatorMichael Terry
ControlAA 333/5/3
Date Range1923  -  1923
Series AA 333/05