'Tapes: W. Australia 1966, 1968, 1972'

Supplementary to 'Journal of a trip to Western Australia in search of Tribal Data by Norman B. Tindale, 1966' (AA 338/1/27), and 'Journal of visit to South Western Australia by Norman B. Tindale .. October-December 1968' AA 338/1/28.

This series contains restricted material.

This item consists of 15 magnetic tape reels recorded by Norman B Tindale in Western Australia in the years following his retirement from the South Australian Museum (SAM). They were considered by Tindale to be part of his 'personal and study series' of tapes and arrived at the SAM after his death in 1993 in a shoebox labelled 'Tapes: W. Australia 1966, 1968, 1972'. Access restrictions apply to materials in this item.

The 1966 recordings were made during a fieldtrip with the American anthropologist John Greenway, and have a particular focus on tribal distribution in Western Australia. Also included are recordings of traditional songs, kinship data, and oral history. Contextual details relating to the recordings may be found in the pages of Tindale's expedition journal: 'Journal of a trip to Western Australia in search of Tribal Data by Norman B. Tindale, 1966', AA 338/1/27.

The 1968 recordings were made during a field trip with the entomologist Noel McFarland and have a focus on tribal distribution. Tindale transcribed the contents of his interview with William Hamlet into the pages of his field journal: 'Journal of visit to South Western Australia by Norman B. Tindale in company of Noel McFarland, October-December 1968', AA 338/1/28, pp. 131-229.

Details relating to the 1972 recordings may be found in Tindale's journal: 'Volume 3. Australia and U.S.A. Journal principally general and entomological with some anthropology. 7 June 1972 to 9 July 1973 by Norman B. Tindale. Atherton Tableland, Qld and Palo Alto, California', AA 338/1/52/3.

Note that the shoebox contained two tapes that have been moved to 'Cinefilm descriptions, lectures' (AA 338/11/38). The tapes are: 'Lecture on how to conduct anthropological research, 20 May 1967, at Colorado' and lecture sample tape 'Copies of my [Tindale's] Bentinck I songs (2); Mornington I Songs (3); Pintubi songs - Koneia snake, kunkarungkalpa'.

These tapes have not been transferred to digital format.

The tape contents descriptions given below are drawn from Tindale's notes on the tape boxes and a catalogue produced by Grace Koch ('AIATSIS transcriptions for Tindale's Western Australia tapes 1966-1968', AA 338/12/15).
AA 338/11/35/

  1. Esperance (WA) 21 March 1966
    'Songs and conversation by Murray Newman, Njuŋar tribe of Thomas River WA'. 1 x 3 7/8 inch reel. Main subjects include: songs, kinship terms, kodj axe.

  2. Collie (WA) 23 March and Carnarvon (WA) 29 March 1966
    'Interview with 2 aborigines, Alec Rowe and Harry Esperance'; Interview with Bob Williams of the Tjuroro, Capricorn Range, WA. The tape box carries Tindale's note that side two contains an Onslow interview with L Sampey 31 March 1966. This appears to be incorrect. 1 x 3 7/8 inch reel. Main subjects include: life histories, tribal distribution.

  3. Carnarvon (WA) 29 March 1966
    'Conversation on tribes with Robert Williams, 66 years of Tjuroro Tribe'. 1 x 3 7/8 inch reel.

  4. Carnarvon (WA) 29 March 1966
    'Continuation of conversation with Robert Williams, 66 years of Tjuroro tribe; discussion on class terms; songs - Malgaru song, Malgaru song in Iŋga:da; Love song, Wadjari way; Twin Peaks Station song, Wadjari (Madabudara)'. 1 x 3 7/8 inch reel. Side two blank.

  5. Onslow (WA) 31 March and Carnarvon (WA) 1 April 1966
    Jack Smith Wanaŋanara Buruna song; Buruna song of Mugulikutji; Lewis Sampey Barda tribe, new song in Bailgu language; Jack Smith Indjibandi song; Meg woman sings her tami (mf) song, Inawoŋga tribe; second Inawoŋga song; Jack Smith song of his tami about making road to Wittenoom Gorge; Mrs Maudie Doughton song from her relative Globe Hill Jack (Tindale's informant in 1953) and message to him 1 April 1966, songs and speech at Carnarvon; Mrs Dingo interview, message in Mullewa. 1 x 3 7/8 inch reel.
    Subjects also include: tribal distribution.

  6. Onslow (WA) 31 March 1966
    'Interview with Lew Sampey', Baada parts 2 & 3. 1 x 3 7/8 inch reel. Main subjects include: life history, circumcision ceremony, tribal distribution, marriage, material culture.
    This item is restricted

  7. Onslow (WA) 31 March 1966
    Interview with Sampey, Baada, parts 4 & 5. 1 x 3 inch reel. Main subjects include: cutting implements, catamaran building, work on stations, use of Indjibandi language, tribal distribution, circumcision knife.

  8. Pindar (WA) 5 April, Mingenew (WA) 6 April and Goomaling (WA) 11 April 1966
    Record of interview with W Hamlet, Wadjari, (including songs); 2nd copy of Mrs Dingo's Noka:n song from Muggan station; song by grandson of Mrs Dingo, grasshopper in Queensland. 2nd side: 6 April 1966, interview with Mrs Maggie Bell at Mingenu, WA. 11 April 1966, Goomaling WA, conversation with Mrs Julia Walley of Esperance, WA and Paddy Dick of Northam.1 x 3 7/8 inch reel. Main subjects include: tribal distribution, marriage, kinship terms, songs, oral history.

  9. Leonora (WA) 13 April 1966
    Interview with Teddy Bandibuga and Jack Murphy, John Dwyer came in for a while; tribal data; interview in afternoon with Andy Fisher (Nuŋgupai) and Sandy (Torola) tribal data. 1 x 3 7/8 inch reel. Main subjects include: tribal distribution, place names, songs, kinship terms, creation beings and stories.

  10. Laverton (WA) 15 April 1966
    Interview with Tommy Taradara Naŋatadjara tribe; 1st side ends with greeting of Pi:tawara the interpreter of the 1935 expedition to Warburton Range; conversation with 3 men from Tekateka helped by Billy Winbun; Nji:nji tjokolba turlku of Jabu Kolilburu, E of Blackstone, afternoon of 15 April 1966; continuation of Nji:nji tjokolba at Laverton. Men only present in two groups Tjudulaka and ŋombaluru. 1 x 3 7/8 inch reel. Main subjects include: tribal distribution, marriage, kinship terms, tjukurpa, place names, sand maps, songs.

  11. Laverton (WA) 16 April 1966
    Interview with men from Tekateka of ŋada tribe; songs. 1 x 3 7/8 inch reel. Main subjects include: tribal distribution, place names, songs, dreaming tracks.

  12. Kalgoorlie (WA) 19 April 1966
    Interview with Don Ramhead (Donnelly) of Kelamai tribe and his wife Nuna of Laverton WA; tribal boundaries; inari song, Coolgardie WA, sung by Don Ramhead Kela:mai tribe; social organisation of Kela:mai, kinship terms. 1 x 3 7/8 inch reel. Main subjects include: tribal distribution, place names, song, kinship terms.

  13. Conversation with William Hamlet, 4 November 1968.
    Wadjari Tribe, Pindar, WA; tribal data; initiation and secret songs; corobori songs; discussion on adze and kodj; general conversation on gemstones.
    1 x 3 7/8 inch reel. Main subjects include: tribal distribution, stone tools, circumcision.
    This item is restricted

  14. Conversation with Murray Newman, 29 Nov. 1968
    Nyuŋa:, ŋadjunmarda and Mining Tribes, Esperance WA. 1 x 3 7/8 inch reel. Main subjects include: tribal distribution, stone knives, kodj axe, songs.

  15. Yuin (WA) Sept. 1972
    Interview with William Hamlet, Wadjari . 1 x 3 7/8 inch reel. Main subjects include: material culture, Wadjari tribal distribution, vocabulary.

According to Tindale's tape box annotations, the main Tindale Tribes include: Baada; Tjuroro; Wadjari; Indjibandi; Inawongga; Nokaan; Nangatadjara; Ngadadjara; Mirning; Ngadjunmaia. Many other Tindale Tribes are mentioned in passing.

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
ControlAA 338/11/35/Tapes 1-15
Date Range1966  -  1972
Quantity   1   x shoebox containing 14 x 3 7/8 inch and 1 x 3 inch magnetic tape reels
Series AA338/11