The materials in this item, 6 x cassettes and 2 x 5 inch magnetic tape reels, were considered by Norman B Tindale to be part of his 'personal and study series' of tapes. They arrived at the South Australian Museum after Tindale's death in 1993 in a shoebox labelled 'Tapes: Australian Anthropology'.
These tapes have not been transferred to digital format.
The contents descriptions below are drawn from annotations in Tindale's hand on the cassette and magnetic tape boxes.
AA 338/11/36/
- 'Commencement exercises at the University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado, 9 June 1967. Complete recording of ceremonies, including investment of Norman Barnett Tindale with degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa. Recorded by John Greenway' 1 x 5 inch reel
- 'David Turner: Traditions and Transformations: a study of aborigines in the Groote Eylandt area, Northern Australia'. The tape is introduced as containing excerpts from Turner's book. Tindale's annotations indicate that the tape 'was compiled in the Audio-visual section of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies' and was purchased by him. It is glossed by Tindale as 'Groote Eyl. Speech from Aust. Inst. Ab. Studies, rec'd 3 July 1978'. 1 x 5 inch reel
- Tindale Interview: 'Anthropology in Australia', Australian Broadcasting Commission, recorded 17 June 1983. [See 'Canberra and California Journal by Norman B. Tindale. Volume 9. 6 April 1983 to 7 June 1984, AA 338/1/53/9, p.103 for further details].
Side1: Tindale's introduction to anthropology; Groote Eylandt expedition 1921-22; study of tribal distribution; the question of the length of Aboriginal habitation and archaeological excavations.
Side 2: development of Australian archaeology continued; [gap]; study of the stone tools of the Western Desert in the 1930s; research trips of the University of Adelaide's Board for Anthropological Research. 1 x 45 min cassette (1 of 2)
- Tindale Interview: 'Anthropology in Australia', Australian Broadcasting Commission, recorded 17 June 1983. [See 'Canberra and California Journal by Norman B. Tindale. Volume 9. 6 April 1983 to 7 June 1984, AA 338/1/53/9, p.103 for further details]
Side 3: research trips of the University of Adelaide's Board for Anthropological Research continued; ecological practices of Western Desert people; Walter Baldwin Spencer's advice on taking fieldnotes; current work on a book on the Aboriginal people of the South East of South Australia; Tindale family connection to Milerum.
Side 4: Tindale's work in progress continued (most of the side is blank). 1 x 45 min cassette (2 of 2)
- Letter from JC Le Souef to Tindale, 1981. A summary of this tape is in Tindale's Entomology letter file under date of 21 Oct 1981. 1x 60 min cassette
- Hunters of the Dugong. Audio track of a documentary filmed at Kiwai, Papua New Guinea with Tindale's added comments. Copied 12 May 1984. Tindale's comments related to Groote Eylandt, Kaiadilt of Bentinck I & Lardiil of Mornington Island hunting [see 'Canberra and California Journal by Norman B. Tindale. Volume 9. 6 April 1983 to 7 June 1984, AA 338/1/53/9, pp. 475-477 for further details]. 1 x 60 min cassette
- Aboriginal bodies in the South Australian Museum, Nationwide, 11 August 1983. Contains copy of a Nationwide story on Aboriginal bodies preserved in the South Australian Museum by reporter John Hosking. 1 x 10 min cassette
- Australian Aboriginal bodies in South Australian Museum, 10 minute phone interview with Tindale for Radio 5DN, Adelaide, 12 March 1984. 1 x 60 min cassette
Creator: Dr Norman Barnett Tindale
Control: AA 338/11/36/Tapes 1-8
shoebox containing 6 x cassettes; 2 x 5 inch magnetic tape reels