'Plan Shewing Explorations by Mr. Winnecke copied from his original plans in the office of the Surveyor General [Adelaide] 1884'

Archive Collections / Dr Norman Barnett Tindale / Series AA338/15 / 'Plan Shewing Explorations by Mr. Winnecke copied from his original plans in the office of the Surveyor General [Adelaide] 1884'
['N B Tindale 5/1934'] Supplementary to: 'Journal of the Anthropological Expedition to the Diamantina, North-East of South Australia. August 1934' (AA 338/1/12).

Annotated printed map of border region between Northern Territory, Queensland and South Australia containing data by Charles Winnecke. Area includes Hay River and Fifield River east to Diamantina River and south to near Lake Eyre. Shows camp sites and descriptions of vegetation, geography and water sources. Sand ridges and river flats are highlighted in ochre colour. Tindale's annotations in india ink and pencil contain place names with reference to the 1934 Diamantina expedition and secondary sources, 1927-1937. Scale 5/8 inch = 5 miles.

This item contains references to: Northern Territory; Queensland; South Australia.

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
ControlAA 338/15/21
Date Range1934  -  1937
Quantity   1   map, 91.0x132.0 cm
Series AA338/15