Aerial survey photographs of islands in Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland, 22 May - 27 September 1951

Archive Collections / Dr Norman Barnett Tindale / Series AA338/20 / Aerial survey photographs of islands in Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland, 22 May - 27 September 1951
Supplementary to: 'Visit to Bentinck and Mornington Islands, Queensland by Norman B. Tindale. 1960' (AA 338/1/23); 'Journal of Visit to the Gulf of Carpentaria by Norman B Tindale. 1963' (AA 338/1/25).

This photo album holds 38 black and white photographic prints (23.5 x 24.0 cm) from aerial surveys entitled 'Mornington' and 'Westmoreland'. The surveys include islands in the region of Mornington and Bentinck Islands, Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Queensland, Australia. 'Mornington' and 'Westmoreland' refer to the names of the survey flight paths. There is a total of 19 images, with one mat and glossy print per image. Tindale recorded Aboriginal place names in pencil or pen on 14 of the mat prints. The survey photographs function as maps.

Some prints are heavily annotated and contain sketched boundary lines with areas labelled 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'Y' or 'Z'. 'Allen Island' and 'Horseshoe Island' have been labelled on print number 15. Four prints numbered 5004 to 5005 are labelled on the bottom edge 'svy.1158// MORNINGTON.RUN.15. (03.43) 22/MAY/51 152.8MM 25,000 RESTRICTED'. 34 prints numbered 5079 to 5173 (with gaps) are labelled 'svy.1275// WESTMORELAND.RUN.1. (75-119), 120-168, 171-214) 27/SEP/51 154.2MM 25,000 RESTRICTED'.

This item contains references to: Queensland.

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
ControlAA 338/20/1
Date Range1951  -  1951
Quantity 4.5cm,   1   Albox photo album, 37.5x44.5 cm, 38 inserts (maps), 23.5x24.0 cm
FormatsMaps, Loose Photographic Prints
Series AA338/20