'To be Sorted and Odd'

Headers include: Austral. English; New Words (Post European); Odd; W. Vict.; W. Aust. Tribes and Hordes; Xeroxes to be Found 1973; Titles of Books; Bibliog. General; Aborigines; Axe; Birds; Books to Get; Charts; China; Clan Nos; Compass; Dingo; Gum/Resin; Implements; Insects; Keibara; Lardi:l Mornington Island, Queensland; Lepidoptera; Mammals; Man/Woman; Mater. Cult.; Milerum; Missions; Misc. Data & Reading; Kaurna S.A.; Negritos; No/Yes; Numerals; Odd and Incomplete; Personalities; People Anthrop.; Botany; Physical: Thunder, Lightening, Mountain; Pleiades; Population; Population Numbers; Queensland; Radiocarbon; Reptiles; Social Org.; SE of SA Data; Spear thrower; Suffixes; Turtle, Fish Mussels; Tindale; Univ. House People; Weapons; Tribes & Hordes; Vocab; Place Names; Gen. Notes.

Note that a number of these sections are empty, including: W. Vict.; Xeroxes to be Found 1973; Birds; Clan Nos; Compass; Dingo; Gum/Resin; Implements; Insects; Keibara; Mammals; Man/Woman; Mater. Cult.; Milerum; Kaurna S.A.; No/Yes; Numerals; Personalities; Physical: Thunder, Lightening, Mountain; Pleiades; Population; Radiocarbon; Reptiles; Social Org.; SE of SA Data; Spear thrower; Suffixes; Turtle, Fish Mussels; Vocab. Many of these headings are duplicated elsewhere in the index card collection (i.e., the cards have been relocated).

Note also that entries under 'Tribes & Hordes' and 'Place Names' are drawn from J Morgan's Life and adventures of William Buckley, 1967.

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
ControlAA 338/7/1/49
Date Range1931  -  1991
Quantity 16.5cm,   1   shoebox, approx. 14 cm of cards
Series AA338/07