Photography 2

  1. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain1930 Nomination paper for the election of council and officers Annotated in blue and red

  2. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain 1931 Nomination paper for the election of council and officers. Unannotated

  3. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain The Associateship (application for advancement to associate of the Society.) Annotated in blue and red. Marked submit 8-12 8x10 in or 10x12 in enlargements suitably mounted, membership January 1930 associateship December 1930

  4. Form filled out in handwritten (corrected) draft. Dated 1 October 1930

  5. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain The Fellowship (application for advancement to fellow of the Society.) Annotated in blue and red. Form filled out in handwritten (draft). Dated 1 October 1931

  6. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain 1931 Election of officers and council ballot paper. Unannotated

  7. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain Election of officers and council, 1932 ballot paper. Unannotated

  8. Extracts from The Photographic Journal relating to Walker's status within the Society. September 1929 p 429; December 1929 p517; December 1930 p 539-40; January 1931 p 47; January 1932 p. 44. All annotated in blue and red WD Walker

  9. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain Form of application for membership including enrollment of the groups. Undated unannotated

  10. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain Subscription invoice for 31 Jan 1931 annotated in red and Marked 28 January1931

  11. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain Membership booklet, ?1930. Annotated in pencil, blue and red

  12. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain Membership booklet, ?1931. Unannotated

  13. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain Report and statement of accounts 31 Dec 1930. Annotated in red noted Walker's Associateship WD Walker

  14. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain Report and statement of accounts 31 Dec 1931. Annotated in red notes WD Walker's Fellowship WD Walker

  15. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain Kinematograph Group program of meetings winter 1930-31. Annotated in blue and red

  16. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain 75th Annual Exhibition 1930. Cover Marked nil entered and incorporating extracts from The Photographic Journal February 1930 p. 71 regarding annual exhibition and June 1931 p. 257 regarding council meeting and 76th annual exhibition. Annotated in red

  17. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain 76th Annual Exhibition 1931

  18. First copy cover Marked WD Walker natural history record & pictorial nine hung and entries listed in ink. Second copy Marked own copy WD Walker medal awarded life history of the kangaroo. kangaroo, Accompanied by handwritten declaration as to no previous exhibition. Annotated in pencil, blue and red WD Walker

  19. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain 77th Annual Exhibition 1932. Cover Marked WD Walker own copy seven hung. Entries listed in ink and acceptances indicated in red. Extensive pencil annotation (?of captions for exhibition). Incorporates invitation card for private viewing, card incorporating program of lectures, and notice of acceptance/rejection of entries WD Walker

  20. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain 78th Annual Exhibition 1933. Cover Marked WD Walker own copy two hung. Annotated in red with ink listing of entries WD Walker

  21. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain 79th Annual Exhibition 1934. Cover Marked 1934 own. Listing of entries in ink

  22. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain 80th Annual Exhibition 1935. Cover Marked duplicate entrance form 1935 exhibition. Entries listed in ink

  23. Loose handwritten sheet list of photographs

  24. UnMarked invitation (card) to become a member of the Royal Photographic Society.

  25. Catalogue Doctors' Hobbies Exhibition in connection with the Annual Meeting for the British Medical Association held in vicMelbourne September 1935. Cover Marked WD Walker print photograph catalogues. Annotated in red. Accompanied by letter from H. Cecil Colville dated 20 September 1935 annotated in blue and red. vicMelbourne WD Walker

  26. Catalogue Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain 4-30 May 1931 Exhibition of Colonial Pictorial Photographs by overseas readers of The Amateur Photographer and Cinematographer Annotated in pencil and red

  27. Entry form for 42nd Toronto Salon of Photography, 25 August to 9 September 1933. Cover Marked WD Walker Canada. Entries on form in pencil expanded on copy of list in ink. Also included copy of rules annotated in blue and red

  28. Blank entry form for XI Salon International De Photography De Madrid 1935

  29. Blank entry form 27th annual Photographic Exhibition The City of London & Cripplegate Photographic Society 1932

  30. Blank entry form 2nd International Salon of Photography 1933 Lucerne (Switzerland)

  31. Blank entry form 2nd Philadelphia International Salon of Photography. Annotated in pencil with possible entries. Accompanied by rules. Loose handwritten sheet list of photographs

  32. UnMarked invitation (card) to become a member of the Royal Photographic Society

  33. Catalogue Doctors' Hobbies Exhibition in connection with the Annual Meeting for the British Medical Association held in vicMelbourne September 1935. Cover Marked WD Walker print photograph catalogues. Annotated in red. Accompanied by letter from H Cecil Colville dated 20 September 1935 annotated in blue and red. vicMelbourne WD Walker

  34. Catalogue Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain 4-30 May 1931 Exhibition of Colonial Pictorial Photographs by overseas readers of The Amateur Photographer and Cinematographer Annotated in pencil and red

  35. Entry form for 42nd Toronto Salon of Photography, 25 August to 9 September 1933. Cover Marked WD Walker Canada. Entries on form in pencil expanded on copy of list in ink. Also included copy of rules annotated in blue and red

  36. Blank entry form for XI Salon International De Fotografi De Madrid 1935

  37. Blank entry form 27th annual Photographic Exhibition The City of London & Cripplegate Photographic Society 1932

  38. Blank entry form 2nd International Salon of Photography 1933 Lucerne (Switzerland)

  39. Blank entry form 2nd Philadelphia International Salon of Photography. Annotated in pencil with possible entries. Accompanied by rules

  40. The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain List of Honorary Fellows, Honorary Members, Fellows, Associates and Members 1932. Annotated in blue and red

  41. Country Life International Exhibition of Nature Photography, 1935-36. Includes empty envelope addressed Walker 3 January 1936; card addressed Walker 29 November 1935 annotated in pencil ; undated invitation to official opening; letter dated 30 October 1935 regarding miss-attribution of entries annotated in pencil, blue and red; letter dated 1 January 1936 regarding donation of photos to British Museum annotated in pencil, blue and red; letter dated 24 January 1936 return of entries; letter dated 24 March 1936 regarding return of entries and forwarding certificate of merit WD Walker

  42. Cape of Good Hope International Salon of Photography, 1936, conditions of entry annotated in blue. Includes News Clippings The Cape Argus 15 January 1936 "Photographers who put painters to shame" removed; letter dated 21 February 1936 regarding award of plaque copiously annotated in pencil; letter dated 16 February 1936 soliciting gift of photos ex exhibition annotated in pencil, blue and red; letter dated 27 April 1936 regarding gift of photos; envelope addressed WD Walker dated 24 February 1936 containing photograph of judges adjudicating WD Walker's entry; off print from unknown journal reporting on salon with photos annotated with identifying data; card Marked Silver Plaque

  43. International Exhibition of Nature Photography. Oct16-Nov30 1935. Catalogue Annotated with ticks against exhibits of particular interest (The Life History of the Kangaroo]

CreatorDr William Delano Walker
ControlAA 357/3/8
Date Range1929  -  1936
Quantity 10cm,    
FormatsBooks, Published Papers or Articles
Series AA357/03