Dr William Delano Walker personal diaries


A loose leaf diary detailing WD Walker's daily life including study, medical duties, travel and personal routine. This item covers locations around ukDigby (United Kingdom) and environs.

References to photographs taken include:

  • five photographs of hangars and pupil pilots having practical tests at ukDigby 12 January 1933

  • various villages around ukDigby 26 March 1933

  • aircraft crashed upside down in trees, various aircraft on hard stand 27 March 1933

Individuals, subject matter and locations noted include:

  • diary appointments for the period 1 December 1932 to 15 February 1933

  • Margaret Platten, Celtic pottery, Gerard Furranes 1 January 1933

  • Dr Brinke, Down's Hospital, Dr Trethowan, Aerial Medical Service (AMS) 2 January 1933

  • Royal Air Force (RAF) ukDigby, Air Vice Marshal McIntyre, S/Ldr Barber, Cranwell, Royal College of Surgeons (RCS), Mr Colley, S/Ldr Boddie, Royal Northern Hospital (RNH), Life History of the Kangaroo, Canadian National Salon 3 January 1933

  • Central Medical Establishment (CME), Wing Commander Threadgold, S/Ldr O'Neill 4 January 1933

  • Joe Stickler, CME, S/Ldr O'Neill, Zona de Giers, Mrs Kirby, ukDigby 5 January 1933

  • Wing Commander Dixon, S/Ldr O'Neill, S/Ldr Crawford, Group Captain Clements, Wing Commander Threadgold, Wing Commander Ripon, Australian Aboriginal people, kangaroo specimens, AMS 6 January 1933

  • Mrs Kirby, Royal Aerological Society (RAS), Douglas Delroy, Rex. Boundy, Dr Brinke 8 January 1933

  • ukDigby, Lady Aberdeen 9 January 1933

  • Crossley car, Group Captain Smith, S/Ldr Barber 10 January 1933

  • S/Ldr Barber, Group Captain Smith, Grantham, Iraq 11 January 1933

  • S/Ldr Barber, Group Captain Smith, Mrs Platten 12 January 1933

  • F/Lt MacKay, S/Ldr Barber, kangaroo, pay and banking arrangements, F/Lt Webb, Henderson.s 'Practical Flying,' 13 January 1933

  • Winnifred Spooner, influenza, Flight Lieutenant Greenwood, F/Lt Hayes 14 January 1933

  • Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs Cairns, Mrs. Johnson 15 January 1933. This item is restricted.

  • S/Ldr Barber, influenza cure 16 January 1933

  • S/Ldr Barber, development of aviation lecture, chemical warfare, causes of war, birth control 17 January 1933

  • Sir Robert Jones, body line bowling, cricket, Larwood 18 January 1933. This item is restrictred.

  • programme card listing music to be played for ukDigby 'Gala Guest Night' 19 January 1933. Reverse lists guests

  • guest night in mess 19 January 1933

  • the 'Aeroplane,' 'Flight,' 'Punch,' 22 January 1933

  • Miss Thrower, F/Lt Horrocks, Fl/Lt Webb, Squadron Leader Cock 23 January 1933

  • news clipping the London Sun Express dated 12 February 1933 headline 'Alive, Alive O! Frozen fish return to life'

  • influenza, Tony Barber, Bobby Stowell, S/Ldr O'Neill, Squadron Leader Barber, CME, Flying Doctor reprints, International Council of Women Bulletin, John Flynn 24 January 1933

  • influenza outbreak, temporary hospital in gym 25 January 1933

  • Slattery, dual control Atlas aircraft, flying lesson 26 January 1933

  • ice skating, F/Lt Greenway, F/Lt Dewar, Lord Garvard 29 January 1933

  • F/Lt Greenwood, John MacKenzie 30 July 1933

  • F/Lt Greenwood, Grantham, Abbotsford Hotel, tipping, Mollie, National Council of Women, Flying Doctor lecture 1 February 1933

  • City Temple, Flying Doctor lecture 2 February 1933

  • pencil notes No 2 Flying Training School ukDigby for future diary entry

  • pencil notes No 2 Flying Training School ukDigby for future diary entry dated 3 to 25 February 1933

  • pencil notes No 2 Flying Training School ukDigby for future diary entry dated 26 February to 15 March 1933

  • pencil notes No 2 Flying Training School ukDigby for future diary entry dated 16 to 20 March 1933

  • colored pencil drawing of anaesthethic apparatus

  • pencil diary note dated 13 March 1933

  • foolscap reneoed extract from the Daily Mail providing cricket scores and statistics dated 27th February 1933 "Fifth Test Match nswSydney"

  • pencil notes relating to Franklin Delano Rooseveldt dated 6 March 1933

  • news clipping from the London Daily Express dated 20 February 1933 headline 'Buses dug out of drifts, villages cut off from the world. Blizzard havoc: more to come'

  • news clipping from the London Daily Mail dated 10 January 1933 headline 'Sun brings more flu, hospitals full in London'

  • lecture on parachutes, boxing tournament P/O Thurston, F/O McGhee, P/O Golding, F/O Beaman 21 March 1933

  • guest night in mess, Auntie Nell 23 March 1933

  • F/O Hayes, Mrs Hayes, Wing Commander Huntley 25 March 1933. This item is restricted.

  • Rev. Sibthorpe, description of village pumps, Sir Herbert Barker, Sunday Pictorial 26 March 1933

  • aircraft crash by F/I Pearson and Richards, S/Ldr Rhodes 27 March 1933

  • Wing Commander Biggs, flying lesson Atlas 28 March 1933

  • programme Royal Air Force Cranwell eight annual boxing tournament. Annotated with winners and WD Walker comments 21 March 1933

  • Mrs Hayes. 29 March 1933. This item is restricted.

  • Private Wilson, WD Walker cut finger, S/Ldr Barber, Wing Commander Huntley, Mollie, F/Lt Pimlett 30 March 1933. This item is restricted.

  • P/O Sandow, Cadet Badger, Prof. de la Bere, Mollie, 31 March 1933

CreatorDr William Delano Walker
ControlAA 357/4/15/1
Date Range01 January, 1933  -  31 March, 1933
Quantity 1cm,    
FormatsNewspaper Clippings, Diaries, Indexes
Series AA357/04