Latest Board meeting and the resolutions that were passed; the purchase of a windmill for the station; Gehling's salary (See SAMA 1076); FW Albrecht being anxious about the "Aboriginal Pastoralists"; Albrecht wanting to have 50 camp sheets.
People, objects and/or organisations mentioned: Mr Battarbee (See AA 663), FW Albrecht, Pastor Scherer, P Pech, Brother Gross, Brother Gehling (See SAMA 1076), Mr Doering, Arthur (Australian Aboriginal man), Adolf (Australian Aboriginal man), Gottfried (Australian Aboriginal man), Hennoch (Australian Aboriginal man), Mr Droegemueller, Mr Hage, Brother Lehmann
Places mentioned: Sedan (SA), Alice Springs (NT), Areyonga (NT), Hermannsburg (NT), Bowsons Hole (NT), Haasts Bluff (NT)