From Albrecht to Dr Duguid (See AA 79)

Mrs Albrecht's health has deteriorated. The Albrechts could not go to their daughter's wedding. Describes her condition. Discusses government policy to build and staff schools on mission stations and thanks Duguid (See AA 79) for his strong support. Reports on Alice Springs where only the Roman Catholics and Lutherans have a limited presence. Concerned about Aboriginal people who won't work if there is adequate food available and the long term implications of this tendency.

People, objects and/or organisations mentioned: Mrs Albrecht, Helena Albrecht, Martin, Mr Truedinger.

Places mentioned: Yuendumu (NT), Hermannsburg (NT), Areyonga (NT), Haasts Bluff (NT)

CreatorPastor Friedrich Wilhelm Albrecht
ControlAA 662/38/24
Quantity   1   Correspondence pages
FormatsGeneral Correspondence
Series AA 662/038