Extract from ? Magazine pages 123-130
Dates and people/organisations mentioned in the story. . Prof. Baldwin Spencer (See AA 301), FJ Gillen (See AA 108), Albert Namatjira (Australian Aboriginal man, See AA 229), Rex Battarbee (See AA 663), 'Lassiter's Country', William Hatfield, The Desert Saga, Mrs Aeneas Gunn, 'Little Black Princess', Robertson & Mullens, 'We of the Never Never', The Argus, Tarleton Rayment, RWE Wilmot, Erle Cox, Donald McLean, RH Croll, Nina Murdoch, Charles Dodd, Edgar Holt, Dr Felix Meyer, Constable Reed, Jack (Tam O'Shanter), Carl Schwartz, Mr Pearce, Adamson of Wesley, JL Gray, 'Red Dust', 'The open road in Victoria', 'Along the track', 'Dawn maiden' and other Australian songs.
Other copies; perhaps draft, amended or published, may be available in English in the various correspondence series.