Maps - Meterological (Australia)

  1. '50 Percent Rainfall in Inches for the Year'
    Publisher: Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, October 1967.
    '50' written on the front.
    Scale 1 inch = 197.28 miles. Dimensions: 74.0x64.5cm.

  2. 'Heat Discomfort'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '80' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.5x58.5cm.

  3. 'Thermal Adversity July'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '29' written on the front. Dimensions: 76x75.5cm.

  4. 'Average Frost Free Period per Annum'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '3' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x85.5cm.

  5. 'Variability in Arid Climate'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '8' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x57.0cm.

  6. Extreme Sea Level Temperatures for the 5 year recurrence interval'
    Fig.6. from GH Drury. hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '70' written on the front. Dimensions: 68.0x66.0cm.

  7. 'Seasonal Concentration'
    from Andrews, J and Maze, WH 1933, 'Seasonal Incidence and Concentration of Rainfall in Australia.' Proc. Linnean Soc. N.S.W. Vol. 58: 121-124. Fig. 5.
    '30-31' written on reverse. Dimensions: 75.5x55.5cm.

  8. 'Mean Annual Run off in Inches'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '62' written on the front. Dimensions: 74.5x64.0cm.

  9. 'Mean Annual Index of Aridity'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '37' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x56.5cm.

  10. 'Normal Mean Temperature January'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '26' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x58.0cm.

  11. 'Mean Annual Temperature'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '12' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x57.0cm.

  12. 'Maximum Heat Wave Duration'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '38' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x56.0cm.

  13. 'Estimates of Total Solar Radiation Intensity July (cal/cm2/day)'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '59' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x58.0cm.

  14. 'Normal Mean Temperature July'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '25' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x57.5cm.

  15. Phyto-hydroxexic Index for July'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '18' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x57.0cm.

  16. 'Summer Rainfall as Percent of Total'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '33' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x56.5cm.

  17. 'Summer Rainfall as Percent of Total.'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '33' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x56.5cm.

  18. 'Net Solar Radiation for July'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '34' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x76.5cm.

  19. 'Phyto-hydroxexic Index for January'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '19' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x57.0cm.

  20. 'Average Annual Evaporations in Inches'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '6' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x57.5cm.

  21. 'Autumn Rainfall as Percent of Total'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '34' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x57.5cm.

  22. 'Autumn Rainfall Values in Inches not Reached 10% of the Years of Record'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '20' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x58.0cm.

  23. 'Actual Evapotranpiration in Inches based on Thornthwaite Data'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '60' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x57.5cm.

  24. 'Winter Rainfall as Percent of Total'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '32' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x56.5cm.

  25. 'Index of Occurrence of Arid Years'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '7' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x58.0cm.

  26. 'Water Vapour Pressure'
    hand drawn map on tracing paper.
    '24' written on the front. Dimensions: 86.0x57.0cm.

  27. 'Annual 90 Percentile (inches)'
    from Atlas of Australian Resources Rainfall. (2nd edition, 1970)
    Dimensions: 82.0x69.5cm.

  28. 'Fig. 5'
    from Gentilli, J 1971. 'Climates of Australia and New Zealand. Vol. 13.
    Dimensions: 79.0x64.0cm.

  29. 'Summer'
    Fig. 1 from Andrews, J and Maze, WH 1933, 'Seasonal Incidence and Concentration of Rainfall in Australia.' Proc. Linnean Soc. NSWVol. 58: 121.
    Dimensions: 75.5x60.0cm.

  30. 'High Temperatures. Average number of days per year when temperature equals or exceeds 100oF (37.7oC)'
    From Atlas of Australian Resources Temperature.
    Colour temperature map taped to front.
    '2' written on reverse; '23' written on the front. Dimensions: 80.0x62.5cm.

  31. 'High Temperatures. Average number of days per year when temperature equals or exceeds 100oF (37.7oC)'
    From Atlas of Australian Resources Temperature.
    '23' written on the front. Dimensions: 81.5x72.5cm.

  32. 'Annual Phyto-hydroxexic Index'
    Map 6 from Gentilli, J 1972.
    '11' written on reverse. Dimensions: 75.5x62.5cm.

  33. 'Average Daily Radiation'
    Dimensions: 72.5x64.0cm.

  34. 'Atlas of Australian Resources. Temperatures.'
    Publisher: The Department of National Development, Ref.: A102/20.6. March 1953.
    Dimensions: 76.0x72.0cm.

  35. 'Bioclimatic Zones of Australia'
    Publisher: Waite Agricultural Research Institute, University of Adelaide, 1936.
    Dimensions: 56.5x50.5cm.

  36. 'Annual 10 Percentile (Inches)'
    From Atlas of Australia Resources Rainfall. (2nd edition) 1970.
    Dimensions: 77.0x68.5cm.

  37. 'Percentile Rainfall in Inches for the Year'
    Publisher: Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology.
    '10' written on the front. Dimensions: 71.5x69.5cm.

  38. 'Sunshine: Normal Annual Hours of Sunshine'
    Figure 22 in Atlas of Australian Resources
    Colour Map taped to the front. '1' written on reverse. Dimensions: 80.5x76.0cm.

  39. 'Median Annual Rainfall (50 percentile, inches)'
    From Atlas of Australian Resources
    Publisher: Department of National Development, Canberra, 1970.
    Dimensions: 74.5x71.5cm.

  40. 'Extreme Sea Level Temperatures'
    Fig. 8 from GH Drury. Dimensions: 136.0x62.0cm.

  41. Annual Net Photo-Synthetic Index (EPC) [Varying Seasonally]
    '74' written on the front. Dimensions: 71.0x61.0cm.

  42. 'Climatic Regions'
    From Atlas of Australian Resources
    Publisher: Department of National Development, Ref. No. A102/20.13, January 1954.
    Dimensions: 74.5x71.5cm.

  43. 'Annual Net Photosynthetic Index. [FPC Constant]'
    hand drawn map. '72' written on the front. Dimensions: 72.5x60.5cm.

  44. Extreme Sea Level Temperature
    Fig. 8 from GH Drury. hand drawn map. '69' written on the front.
    Dimensions: 72.0x64.0cm.

  45. Annual Net Photo-Synthetic Index [FPC] [Varying Seasonally]
    Hand drawn map. '74' written on the front. Dimensions: 73.0x63.0cm.

  46. 'Climate Change and the Patters of Variation in Australian Rainfall'
    Fig. 3d. in Pittock, 'Climate Change and the Patters of Variation in Australian Rainfall.' Search Vol. 6: 498-508, 1975. hand drawn map. '83' written on the front.
    Dimensions: 78.5x60.0cm.

  47. 'Evapo-transpiration Data in mm.[millimetres] from Thornthwaite'
    hand drawn map. '60A' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x64.0cm.

  48. Mean Annual Rainfall.
    hand drawn map '14' and '73' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x58.0cm.

  49. 'Mean Days per Year with Temperatures of 100oF or More'
    Hand drawn map. '2' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x59.0cm.

  50. 'Duration of Arid Period in Months'
    Hand drawn map. '36' written on the front. Dimensions:76.0x58.0cm.

  51. 'Annual Phyto-hydroxexic Index'
    Hand drawn map. '17' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x58.0cm.

  52. 'Length of the Effective Hydric Season from the Number of Months with r/e 0.7>0.5'
    Hand drawn map. '52' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x56.5cm.

  53. 'Normal Annual Range of Temperature'
    Hand drawn map. '5' written on the front. Dimensions: 75.5x57.5cm.

  54. 'October Mean Annual Temperature'
    Hand drawn map. '67' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x57.0cm.

  55. 'Length of Effective Hydric Season shown by Months in which r/e 0.7>0.25'
    Hand drawn map. '47' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x57.0cm.

  56. 'Estimates of Total Solar Radiation Intensity in January at Ground Level in cals/cm2/day'
    Hand drawn map. '58' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x57.0cm.

  57. 'Atmospheric Saturation Deficit'
    Hand drawn map. '39' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x57.5cm.

  58. 'Rainfall Variability as Modal Unreliability'
    Map hand drawn. '40' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x56.5cm.

  59. 'Relative Humidity'
    Map hand drawn. '13' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x57.5cm.

  60. 'Net Solar Radiation in January in cals/cm2/day with assumed albeds of 0.23'
    Map hand drawn. '61' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x57.0cm.

  61. 'Mean Annual Rainfall Variability (percent)'
    Map hand drawn. '28' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x58.0cm.

  62. 'Rainfall Variation Measured by Average Deviation from Mean Value in Percent'
    Map hand drawn. '41' written on the front. Dimensions: 56.5x76.0cm.

  63. 'Median Annual Rainfall'
    Map hand drawn. '16' written on the front. Dimensions: 76.0x57.0cm.

  64. 'Annual Mean Evapotranspiration in Inches'
    Map hand drawn. '44' written on the front. Dimensions: 73.5x58.0cm.

  65. 'Commonwealth of Australia. Normal Rainfall'
    Publisher: Central Weather Bureau, Melbourne.
    Dimensions: 61.0x51.0cm.

  66. 'Winter'
    Fig. 3 from Andrews, J and Maze, WH 1933 'Seasonal Incidence and Concentration of Rainfall in Australia.' Proc. Linnean Soc. N. S. W. Vol. 58: 121-124. Dimensions: 76.5x59.5cm.

  67. 'Pittock, Fig. 26. 1975'
    'Pittock, Fig. 26. 1975' written on reverse. Dimensions: 79.0x62.0cm.

  68. 'Pittock, Fig. 3b. 1975'
    'Pittock Fig 3b. 1975' written on reverse. Dimensions: 81.0x61.5cm.

  69. 'Picttock 1975, Fig. 2a.'
    'Picttock 1975, Fig. 2a.' written on reverse. Dimensions: 77.5x61.0cm.

  70. Pittock 1975, Fig. 3a.
    'Pittock 1975, Fig. 3a.' written on reverse. Dimensions: 83.5x61.5cm.

  71. 'Pittock Fig. 5.'
    'Pittock Fig. 5.' written on reverse. Dimensions: 83.5x61.5cm.

  72. Mean Rainfall Variability in Australia.
    Fig. 15.5 'Mean Rainfall Variability in Australia (per cent) p. 323 in GR Rumney Climatology and the World's Climates. '28' written on the front. Dimensions: 93.5x70.0cm.

  73. 'Average Annual Evaporation in Inches. Australian'
    '6' written on reverse. Dimensions: 76.0x65.0cm.

  74. 'Fig. 7 Estimated net radiation cal cm-2 day-1 in July assuming uniform albeds of 0.23' from Hounaur, CE 1963.
    '63' written on reverse. Dimensions: 73.0x70.0cm.

  75. 'Duration in Months'
    Fig. 7 (p.118) in Andrews, J and Maze, WH 1933 'Some Climatologically Aspects of Aridity in their Application to Australia.' Proc. Linnean Soc. NSW Vol. 58: 105-120.
    Dimensions: 76.5x60.0cm.

  76. 'Australia Relative Humidity'
    Fig. 3, p.53. in Prescott, JA 'Single value Climatic Factors.' Trans & Proc. Roy. Soc. South Australia. Vol. 56. '23 written on reverse. Dimensions: 74.0x63.0cm.

  77. 'The distribution of the main components of water balance in Australia'
    Fig. 3d, p.40 in Caplecha, VJ 1971, The Australian Geographer. Vol. 11: 455-62, 'Annual run-off (in inches) equalled or exceeded in 90% of years.' Dimensions: 72.0x74.5cm.

  78. 'Autumn'
    Fig. 2, p.122 'Autumn rainfall showing the percentage of the mean & annual total that falls in March, April and May.' in Andrews, J and Maze, WH 1933 'Seasonal Incidence and Concentration of Rainfall in Australia.' Proc. Linnaean Soc. NSW Vol. 58: 121-124. '34' written on reverse. Dimensions: 76.0x59.5cm.

  79. 'Spring'
    Fig. 4, p.133 from Andrews, J & Maze, WH 1933.
    '35' written on reverse. Dimensions: 76.0x59.5cm.

  80. 'Months with the mean daily temperature: A. above 90oF'
    Fig. 11A, p.127. in Gentilli, J 1971 'Climates in Australia and New Zealand.' World Survey of Climatology, Vol. 13. Dimensions: 79.0x64.0cm.

  81. Unknown Title.
    This map is not held.

  82. 'Intensity of total solar radiation. (cal/cm2/day) received at the surface in January'
    Fig. 5, p.42. in Gentilli, J 1971. '58' written on reverse. Dimensions: 79.0x64.0cm.

  83. 'Australia. Saturation Deficit of Water Vapour Pressure'
    Fig. 6, p. 54 in Prescott, JA 'Single Value Climatic Factors' Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc. So. Aust. Vol. 56: 48-61. Dimensions: 73.0x60.0cm.

  84. 'Australia. Rainfall Variability. Lines Showing Mean Annual Rainfall'
    CSIRO The Australian Environment,' 4th edition 1970.
    '57' written on reverse. Dimensions: 74.0x66.5cm.

  85. 'Average Annual Rainfall. Australia'
    Issued by Director of Meteorology, Yearbook 1970.
    '14' written on reverse. Dimensions: 74.0x67.0cm.

  86. 'Average annual actual evapotranspiration in inches'
    Fig. 1d, from Cephecha, VJ 'The distribution of the main components of the water balance in Australia.' The Australian Geographer. Vol. 11 (5): 455-62.
    '44' written on reverse. Dimensions: 67.5x69.0cm.

  87. 'Average Variability Index. 1913-1937'
    Fig. 6, p. 7 in Loewe, F 1948. Dimensions: 100.0x76.0cm.

  88. 'Maximum Probable Rainfall in a 24 Hour Period in a Year'
    Fig. 3 p.261 from Jennings, JN 1966-68. 'Two maps of Rainfall Intensity in Australia.' The Australian Geographer, Vol. 10. '46' written on reverse. Dimensions: 74.0x56.0cm.

  89. 'Duplicate of Ceplecha's 1971 Evapotranspiration p.456, Fig. 1d.'
    Dimensions: 78.0x75.0cm.

  90. 'Australia Meyer Ration of Precipitation to Saturation Deficit'
    Fig. 8. p.60 from Prescott, HJA 1934. 'Single value Climatic Factors.' Trans & Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Aust. Vol. 56. '21' written on reverse. Dimensions: 75.0x63.5cm.

  91. 'Australia. Mean Annual Temperature'
    Fig. 4, p.52 from Prescott, HJA 1934. 'Single value Climatic Factors.' Trans & Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Aust. Vol. 56.
    '12' written on reverse. Dimensions: 74.0x63.5cm.

  92. 'Bioclimatic Zones of Australia'
    Publisher: Waite Agricultural Research Institute, University of Adelaide.
    Dimensions: 76.5x66.5cm.

  93. 'Average Moisture Index Values for the Winter Season (May October)'
    Fig. 1:8, p.14 from Moore, RM 1973 Australian Grasslands, ANU Press.
    '49' written on reverse. Dimensions: 75.0x76.0cm.

  94. 'July Normal Mean Temperature'
    Fig 7 from Atlas of Australian Resources: Temperature
    Colour map taped to front. '25' written on reverse. Dimensions: 75.5x68.5cm.

  95. 'Median Annual Runoff (in inches)'
    Fig.3-f, p.460. from Caplecka, VJ 'The distribution of the main components of the water balance in Australia.' The Australian Geographer, Vol. 11 (5): 455-462. Dimensions: 71.5x74.5cm.

  96. 'Number of Days per year in which frost occurs in Australia'
    Fig.5:10, p.331. from Ramney, GR 1968Climatology and the World's Climates.
    Dimensions: 92.0x70.0cm.

  97. 'Frosts. Average annual number of days per year when temperature equals or falls below 32oC(= 0oC)'
    Fig 24 From Atlas of Australian Resources: Temperature.
    '9' written on reverse. Dimensions: 76.5x69.5cm.

  98. 'Rainfall variation mean deviation from the arithmetic mean as a percentage of same mean'
    Fig.32A, p.158. from Gentilli, J 1947. Australian Climates and Resources.
    '41' written on reverse. Dimensions: 80.0x59.5cm.

  99. 'Average Variability Index 1888-1937'
    Fig. 7, p.8. 'Maver's Rainfall Variability Index.' From Loewe, F 1948. 'Some consideration regarding the variability of Annual Rainfall in Australia.' Commonwealth Metrological Bureau Bulletin. No. 39: 1-13. '42' written on reverse. Dimensions: 102.0x76.0cm.

  100. 'Australia. Showing Areas and Months in which Rainfall Exceeds Evaporation as Determined by Saturation Deficit'
    From Davidson, J 1934. 'The Monthly Precipitation Evaporation Ratio in Australia, as determined by Saturation Deficit.' Trans & Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Aust. Vol. 58: 33-36. Dimensions: 72.0x67.5cm.

  101. 'Adjusted Phyto-hydrexeric Index, January'
    Map 2. from Genetilli, J 1972.
    '19' written on reverse. Dimensions: 75.5x52.0cm.

  102. 'The Index of Aridity for Mean Annual Conditions in Australia'
    Fig. 1. p.105. From Andrews, J and Maze, WH 1933, 'Some Climatological Aspects of Aridity in their Application to Australia.' Proc. Linnean Soc. NSW Vol.58. '37' written on reverse. Dimensions: 76.0x59.5cm.

  103. 'Australia. Amplitude in oF of Mean Monthly Temperatures'
    Dimensions: 74.5x63.5cm.

  104. 200 Mean Rainfall.
    Dimensions: 67.5x69.5cm.

  105. 'Length of the effective hydric season from the number of months with r/e 0.7-0.5'
    Fig. 43B p.176. from Gentilli, J 1971.
    '52' written on reverse. Dimensions: 76.0x63.0cm.

  106. 'Distribution of Climates in Australia and New Zealand'
    Fig. 15.1. p.309 from GR Rumnay.
    Dimensions: 75.0x76.0cm.

  107. 'Rainfall Intensity in Australia 1911-1940'
    From Jennings JV 1966-1968, Two Maps of Rainfall Intensity in Australia, Australian Geographer, 10: 2156-226.
    Dimensions: 71.5x55.5cm.

  108. 'Climatic Regions'
    Map 13 from Gentilli, J 1972.
    Dimensions: 75.0x62.5cm.

  109. '90 Percentile Rainfall in Inches for the Year'
    Publisher: Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology.
    Dimensions: 70.5x76.0cm.

  110. 'Average Moisture Index Values for the Summer Season (November April)'
    Fig.1.7 p.13. from Milton Moore, R 1973. Australian Grasslands ANU Press.
    '48' Written on reverse. Dimensions: 76.5x76cm.

  111. '90 Percentile Rainfall in Inches for the Year'
    Publisher: Commonwealth Bureau of Metrology.
    Dimensions: 70.5x76.0cm.

  112. '10 Percentile Rainfall in Inches for the Year'
    Publisher: Commonwealth Bureau of Metrology.
    Dimensions: 70.5x76.0cm.

  113. 'October. Normal Mean Temperature'
    from Australian Atlas on Natural Resources.
    Colour map taped to front. '67' written on reverse. Dimensions: 75.5x66.5cm.

  114. 'April. Normal Mean Temperature'
    Colour map taped to front. '66' written on reverse. Dimensions: 75.5x66.5cm.

  115. 'Mean Annual Temperature Range oF'
    Fig. 15.7, p. 325. from GR Rumney Climatology and the World's Climates.
    Dimensions: 92.5x76.0cm.

  116. 'Adjusted Phyto-hydroxeric Index July'
    Map 4. from Gentilli, J 1972.
    '18' written on reverse. Dimensions: 75.0x62.0cm.

  117. 'Intensity of total solar radiation (cal/cm2/day) received at the surface in July'
    Fig.6, p.43. From Gentilli, J. 1971 'Climates of Australia and New Zealand' Vol. 13, World Survey of Climatology.
    '59' written on reverse. Dimensions: 79.5x63.5cm.

  118. 'Average Annual Evapotranspiration'
    Dimensions: 80.5x72.0cm.

  119. 'January. Normal Mean Temperature'
    From Atlas of Australian Resources: Temperature.
    Colour map taped to front. '26' written on reverse. Dimensions:76.0x72.0cm.

  120. 216 'Annual Rainfall which has been exceeded in 90 per cent of years of record'
    Fig. 4 from Gibbs, JW & JV Maher 1967, Rainfall Deciles as Drought Indicators. Dimensions: 71.0x76.0cm.

  121. 'Rainfall variability in terms of modal unreliability'
    From Gentilli, J 1971. '40' written on reverse. Dimensions: 79.5x71.5cm.

  122. 'Length of the effective hydric season, as determined from the number of months with r/e 0.7 > 1.0'
    Fig.43D, p. 176. from Gentilli, J 1971.
    Dimensions: 76.5x65.0cm.

  123. 'Length of the effective hydric season as determined from the number of months with r/e 0.7>1.0'
    Fig. 43c, p. 176. from Gentilli, J 1971.
    '55' written on reverse. Dimensions: 76.5x64.5cm.

  124. 'Australia Water Vapour Pressure'
    Fig. 7, p.58 from Prescott, JA 1934. 'Single Value Climatic Factors.' Trans & Proc. Royal Soc. S. Aust. Vol. 56.
    '24' written on reverse. Dimensions:75.0x64.0cm.

  125. 'Annual runoff (in inches) equalled or exceeding in 10% of years'
    Fig. 3b, p.140. from Ceplecha, VJ 1971. 'The Distribution of the Main Components of the Water Balance in Australia.' The Australian Geographer. Vo. 11(5): 455-462.

  126. 'Standard deviation of yearly evaporation'
    From Review of Australia's Water Resources.' Part 2. 1968.
    '10' written on reverse. Dimensions: 74.0x76.0cm.

  127. 'Average Annual Thunderday Map. Australia'
    '4' written on reverse. Dimensions: 76.0x76.0cm.

  128. 'Australia. Lag in Days of Temperatures Behind Solar Radiation'
    '68' written on reverse. Dimensions: 75.0x63.5cm.

  129. 'Estimated net radiation cal/cm2/day in January assuming uniform albeds of 0.23'
    '60' written on reverse. Dimensions:72.5x70cm.

  130. 'Coefficient of thermal adversity, July'
    Map 3. From Gentilli, J 1972.
    '29' written on reverse. Dimensions: 75.5x62.5cm.

  131. 'Meyers R/S.D. Ration for the year'
    From Gentilli, J 1971 Fig. 39B, p.166.
    Dimensions: 77.5x64.0cm.

  132. 1. 'Climate Regions'
    Map 12 from Gentilli, J 1972.
    Dimensions: 75.5x62.5cm.
    2. 'Mean Annual Rainfall'
    This item was previously identified as Birdsell Collection Map 228a.
    Dimensions: 73.0x64.5cm.
    3. '50 Percentile Rainfall in Inches for the Year'
    From 'Review of Australia's Water Resources.'
    This item was previously identified as Birdsell Collection Map 228b.
    Dimensions: 71.0x76.0cm.

CreatorDr Joseph Benjamin Birdsell
ControlAA 689/7/97-228
Date Range1933  -  1975
Quantity   134   maps, various dimensions
Series AA689/07