Wanamara (QLD)

LocationHeadwaters of Flinders River, east to Richmond; south to the Divide and to Kynuna; west to the Williams River near Cloncurry; north to Cambridge Downs and Dalgonally. Their country is principally an open grassland with broad and sandy river channels. They did not have the rites of circumcision and subincision. Davidson (1938) shows a name Quippen-bura near Richmond on the eastern border of this tribe which may be an northeastern horde.
Co-ordinates141°50'E x 21°10'S
Area13,000 sq. m. (33,800 sq. km.)
ReferencesMacGillibray in Curr, 1887; Parry-Okeden, 1897; Roth, 1897, 1905; Giglioli, 1911; Kelly, 1935; Davidson, 1938; Sharp, 1939; Tindale, 1940.
Alternative NamesWunamara, Woonamurra, Woonomurra, Unamara, Oonoomurra, ? Quippen-bura.