Photographs relating to Norman Barnett Tindale's visits to Ooldea in 1934 and 1951.

Archive Collections / Dr Norman Barnett Tindale / Series AA338/05 / Photographs relating to Norman Barnett Tindale's visits to Ooldea in 1934 and 1951.
Supplementary to 'Visits to Ooldea, S. Aust. to study the Aborigines by Norman B. Tindale in 1934 and 1951. Adelaide. S. Australia.' (AA 338/1/13).

This item includes two volumes of photographic material that is supplementary to Norman Barnett Tindale's journal: 'Visits to Ooldea, S. Aust. to study the Aborigines by Norman B. Tindale in 1934 and 1951. Adelaide. S. Australia.' (AA 338/1/13).

There are nine images in Vol. 1 and six images in Vol. 2 currently available, thus suggesting that further identification of relevant photographs will be required from Tindale's unsorted photographic material. Only one image pertaining to the 1951 Ooldea visit has been located, and it is a coloured slide (Vol. 2, restricted material). The images mostly depict children's drawings on sand-hills representing 'wati mamu' or 'devil man'. The second volume contains images relating to ceremonial activities and these are restricted to men only.

See also related: Cecil John Hackett (see AA 122) collection (as he accompanied Tindale on his 1934 trip), and in the John Burton Cleland, J. B. (see AA 60) collection (as he visited Ooldea together with Tindale in 1951).

Please note Tindale's abbreviations: SA, S. Aust., S Australia (South Australia); Nov, Nov. (November); NW (North-West); Tr (Tribe); m (meters).

The detailed list of the Ooldea photographs is as follows:

Vol. 1, photographs 1 - 9

  1. 'Tawal Tawal native tobacco Ooldea SA Nov 1934 N B Tindale'.
    One b/w photographic print, annotated by Tindale.

  2. 'defect is in this print If needed get a better print Child of country NW of Ooldea cared for by Miss Annie Lock Ooldea Nov 1934 N B Tindale photo'.
    One b/w photographic print, annotated by Tindale.

  3. 'Ooldea'.
    A group portrait of young girls. One of them is holding a string (used for string games). One b/w photographic print, annotated by Tindale. The print is not dated.

  4. 'Boy and crow tracks Ooldea Nov 1934 N B Tindale photo'.
    Three b/w photographic prints, annotated by Tindale. An alternative annotation: 'Jan Kundjadjara [sic] boy looking at tracks of crow in sand hill Ooldea Nov. 1934. N. B. T.'.

  5. 'Child drawing [wati mamu] or devil man on Ooldea sandhills only 3 months after first seeing a white man. NW. of Ooldea SA. N B Tindale Nov. 1934'.
    Two b/w photographic prints, annotated by Tindale. An alternative annotation: 'Child (Pindiini Tr) drawing on sandhills Ooldea SA. Nov 1934 N B Tindale photo'.

  6. 'Child making drawing of emu track and of emu on sandhill Ooldea Nov 1934 N B Tindale'.
    Two b/w photographic prints, annotated by Tindale.

  7. 'Pindiini Tribe child drawing wati mamu (man devil) on sandhill Ooldea 11 1934 N B Tindale photo Child only 3 m in from bush'.
    Six b/w photographic prints, annotated by Tindale.

  8. 'Childs drawing of Wati Mamu 'man devil' [on] sandhills Ooldea Nov 1934 N B Tindale photo'.
    Four b/w photographic prints, annotated by Tindale.

  9. 'Child's drawings on sandhill shows camps and families asleep Ooldea Nov 1934 N B Tindale'.
    Three b/w photographic prints, annotated by Tindale. Alternative annotations: 'Childs drawing representing camp (with paired people II & fires III) Ooldea Nov 1934 N B Tindale photo'.

    Vol. 2, photographs 10 - 15

    (Photographs relating to men's ceremonies)

  1. No Caption. Aboriginal man, wearing body paint.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  2. 'Wilgena Nov. 1925 RP.'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide annotated by Tindale

  3. No Caption. Aboriginal man with facepaint.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  4. No Caption. Aboriginal man holding object.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  5. 'T.D.C'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide annotated by Tindale

  6. 'RP'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide annotated by Tindale

  7. 'RP'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide annotated by Tindale

  8. 'RP'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide annotated by Tindale

  9. No Caption. Group of 13 Aboriginal men.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  10. No Caption. A tent.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  11. '.70.'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  12. No Caption. A house.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  13. No Caption. A railway running through a small town.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  14. No Caption. Landscape, multiple pathways leading to houses.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  15. 'Mrs Daisy Bates Ooldea. 1927'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide annotated by Tindale

  16. 'Wilgena Nov. 1925'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide annotated by Tindale

  17. No Caption. Aboriginal woman.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  18. 'RP'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  19. No Caption. Group of Aboriginal women and children.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  20. 'RP'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  21. 'RP'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  22. No Caption. Aboriginal man.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  23. No Caption. Aboriginal man holding boomerang.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  24. No Caption. Aboriginal man.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  25. No Caption. Two Aboriginal men.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  26. 'RP Ooldea District'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  27. 'RP'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide annotated by Tindale

  28. No Caption. Aboriginal man in front of tent.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  29. No Caption. Aboriginal man in front of tent.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  30. 'Ooldea Dr Pulline' One b/w photographic print from lantern slide annotated by Tindale

  31. 'RP'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide annotated by Tindale

  32. No Caption. Five Aboriginal men with cooking implements.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  33. No Caption. Three Aboriginal men.
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide

  34. 'RP'
    One b/w photographic print from lantern slide annotated by Tindale

Tindale Tribes: Jangkundjara; Pindiini.

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
ControlAA 338/5/13
Date Range1934  -  1951
Quantity 9cm,   2   Albox folders and glass plates
FormatsLoose Photographic Prints
Series AA338/05
Tindale Tribes: