Supplementary to 'Australia and U.S.A. Journal principally general and entomological with some anthropology 12 August 1969 to 21 May 1974 by Norman B. Tindale' (AA 338/1/52/1-4)

'Tjimani type from Devon Downs and Tasmania
A29229 Devon Downs SA IX Leve Pirrian culture 65mm
A13350 Ouse, Tasmania 73mm
NB. Tindale photo 27 Oct 1972
Journ p 1104
specimens in S Aust Museum Adelaide
Devon Downs spec. coll by Hale + Tindale (rec SA. Mus 1931)

CreatorDr Norman Barnett Tindale
ControlAA 338/52/65
Date Range27 October, 1972  -  27 October, 1972
Series AA338/52