Thaua (NSW)

LocationFrom north of Merimbula south to Green Cape; west to the scarp of the Dividing Range. Their hordes were divided into two groups, the ['Katungal] 'sea coast people,' and the ['Baianbal] or ['Paienbara], the 'tomahawk people,' those who lived in the forests; a third group, the Bemerigal or mountain people at Cooma belonged to the Ngarigo with whom the inland Thaua had some associations. An early writer whose reference I have lost described the Twofold Bay people, whom he called Nulliker, as diminutive in stature as compared with inland aborigines. They had folded bark canoes and ventured out to sea. Their huts were trigonal bark shelters.
Co-ordinates149°40'E x 36°55'S
Area800 sq. m. (2,100 sq. km.)
ReferencesFraser, 1882; Howitt, 1885, 1904; Ridley in Curr, 1887; Mathews, 1902 (Gr. 6563), 1903 (Gr. 6501); Tindale, 1940, and MS; Capell, 1956; Australian Encyclopedia, 1958; Wurm, 1963.
Alternative NamesThawa, Thauaira, Thurga (language name applies also to tribes as far north as the Wandandian), Thoorga, Du:rga, Durga, Dhu:rga, Tharawal (of Howitt, 1885:811), Tadera-manji, Guyanagal (lit. southerner), Guyangal-yuin (['uin] = ['juin] = man), Murring (inland term means 'men,' see Wandandian tribe), Katungal (sea people, a general term), Baianga (tomahawk people), Paiendra (error for Paienbra), Paienbera ('tomahawk people,' name applied to inland hordes by southern tribes).