Kokoimudji (QLD)

LocationFrom Endeavour River (Cooktown) north to the southern vicinity of Cape Flattery; inland to vicinity of Battle Camp and to near Welcome; at Cape Bedford.
Co-ordinates145°5'E x l5°15'S
Area600 sq. m. (1,600 sq. km.)
ReferencesParry-Okeden, 1897; Roth, 1910; McConnel, 1931, 1939-1940; Tindale, 1940; 1963 MS; Bleakley, 1961; Trezise, 1969; de Zwaan, 1969; Woolston, 1970.
Alternative NamesKokojimoji (southern pronunciation), Kokoyimidir (northern pronunciation fide Roth), Gogo-Yimidjir, Kokojimidir, Jimidir, Gug-Imudji, Kookoyuma, Kookoymma (typographical error), ? Boolcanara.