Pongaponga (NT)

LocationOn both banks of the Daly River inland from the coastal Wogait; may be only a horde of the Ngolokwangga; 4 on NW map.
Co-ordinates130°25'E x 13°25'S
Area200 sq. m. (500 sq. km.)
ReferencesMackillop, 1894; Foelsche, 1895; Basedow, 1907, 1925; Eylmann, 1908; Dahl, 1926; Stanner, 1933, 1970 MS; Mackay, 1969 MS.
Alternative NamesPongo-pongo, ? Djiramo (Basedow regarded this as a horde of the Mulukmuluk, i.e., the Ngolokwangga).