Walangama (QLD)

LocationOn Carron River and Walker Creek; west to Maggieville and Normanton; east to Croydon; south to head of Belmore Creek; north to Stirling keeping south of the Gilbert River. They are sometimes called ['Karan] because of their living in the scrublands. Sharp (1938) associated them with a name Okerkila. Roth (1897) recorded a late movement toward Normanton; in recent years they have joined the Araba and moved north to Vanrook where they live with the Kunggara. In post-European times Jangaa from the head of the Gilbert River moved into areas vacated by this tribe. The Bugulmara also were displaced by this shift.
Co-ordinates141°55'E x l7°40'S
Area3,200 sq. m. (8,300 sq. km.)
ReferencesArmit, Pogndestre and Palmer in Curr, 1886; Roth, 1897 (2 papers); Mathews, 1899 (Gr. 6445); Dutton, 1904; Tindale, 1938 MS, 1940, 1963 MS; Davidson, 1938.
Alternative NamesWollangama, Wollongurmee, Wollangama, Wallankammer, Wallenkammer, Wahlongman, Karan (scrublanders).