Wulgurukaba (QLD)

LocationOn Palm Islands and Magnetic Island; on Ross River; east nearly to Cape Cleveland; west for about 20 miles (30 km.) beyond Townsville ['wulguru] = man. Great Palm Island is called ['Burugu'man]; the last survivor of the island horde died in 1962. A large settlement of mainland people is there now.
Co-ordinates146°45'E x 19°15'S
Area1,000 sq. m. (2,600 sq. km.)
ReferencesGregroy, 1865; Cassady in Curr, 1886; Meston, 1898; Gribble, 1932; Tindale, 1940, 1963 MS, Wulili
Alternative Names['Buruku'man] (valid alternative pronunciation of island name), Korambelbara (name applied by Warakamai), Mun-ba-rah.