Ngarla (WA)

LocationOn the coast west of Solitary Island to mouth of the de Grey River; at Pardoo; inland to Mulyie; formerly inland as far as Yarrie but contracting at time of early white contacts. Northernmost of the noncircumcising tribes of the western sea border; formerly a large tribe based on an economy of fishing and eating of Cyperus ['ngalgu] corms. Their upriver boundary was between Kudingaranga (Mulyie Station) and Tjaljaranja (Taluirina Pool). Theirs was theclassic type of social organization in the purity that Brown attributed in error to the Kariara.
Co-ordinates119°30'E x 20°10'S
Area2,000 sq. m. (5,200 sq. km.)
ReferencesHarper in Curr, 1886; 'Yabaroo,' 1899; Giglioli, 1911; Brown, 1912, 1913; Bates, 1914; Connelly, 1932; Tindale, 1940, 1953 MS, 1966 MS, Worms, 1953 MS (letter); Petri, 1956, 1960; Berndt, 1959, 1964.
Alternative NamesNga:la (valid variant), Ngala, Ngerla (valid variant), Ngurla, Ngirla, Ngala, Gnalla, Ngalana, Kudjunguru ('coast dwellers,' applied by Njamal to this and Kariara tribe).
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