Ngatjan (QLD)

LocationFrom Atherton east to upper Russell River; at Yungaburra, Malanda, and the range north of Millaa Millaa; in rain forest, principally on the plateau. At Lakes Barrine and Eacham, n.n. ['Ji:tj3m]; 11 on northeastern part of NE map. They are typical of the negritic people called Barrineans by Birdsell.
Co-ordinates145°40'E x 17°20'S
AreaArea: 200 sq. m. (500 sq. km.)
ReferencesRef.: Meston, 1889; Parry-Okeden, 1897; Roth, 1910; Giglioli, 1911; McConnel, 1939 -1940; Sharp, 1939; Tindale, 1940, 1963 MS; Tindale and Birdsell, 1940; Birdsell, 1941, 1949; Doolan, 1964 MS; Dixon, 1966, 1969 MS; Grant, MS (in Australian museum).
Alternative NamesAlt.: Ngatjai (as in the phrase I am a Ngatjai man), Ngadyan, Ngadyandyi, Ngachanji, Ngaitjandji, Ngadjen, Natchin, Ngadyan, Nga:tja (name of a rather tall, for a negrito, clever man of the tribe who died in 1904), Narcha, Jitjam (name of a lake), Hucheon, Eacham, Eashim, Eaton, Russell River dialect (Meston).
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