Nangatadjara (WA)

LocationEast of Lake Carey and Burtville to about Jubilee and Plumridge Lakes; northeast to Bailey, Virginia, and Newland Ranges. At Lakes Yeo and Rason and at Bartlett Soak. Moved westward, between 1890 and 1900, to Burtville and Laverton.
Co-ordinates124°45'E x 28°45'S
Area23,000 sq. m. (59,800 sq. km.)
ReferencesBates, 1914; Tindale, 1935 MS, 1937, 1940, 1966 MS; Elkin, 1940; Serventy, 1961.
Alternative NamesNanggatha, Nangandjara, Nganandjara, Nangata, Wangata (perhaps casual error), Dituwonga, Ditu, Ngalapita, Njingipalaru (name given by Waljen-means 'different talk'), Alindjara (means 'east' and by extension 'easterners'; was used by a man of the tribe-'we are the Alindjara').
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