Indjibandi (WA)

LocationOn the lower Hamersley Range plateau south of the Peak Hill Range; in the valley of the Hamersley River from Pialin at the junction of Portland Creek with the Fortescue River, east along a line formed by the edge of the scarp facing the eastern headwaters of Yule River; east along the Fortescue River to Marana Pool, about 10 miles (16 km.) west of Kudaidari (Goodiadarrie Hills on maps). South to the clifflike north-facing scarp of the higher Hamersley Range plateau roughly along a line from Mount Elvire east-southeast to Mount George. Their southern boundary is marked by the change from open porcupine grass (Triodia) country to the densely thicketed mulga country extending south. The northeastern corner is very rough range and is not much used by anybody; the principal living places were along the permanent waters at the western end of the plateau. In recent years they moved down the Robe River headwaters to the beginning of the plains, thus usurping Jadira territory. Indjibandi has become a lingua franca in the Roebourne area because the Njamal and other people can learn it, but the Indjibandi are unable to talk other peoples' languages. The name Karama said to be used for part of the tribe is really a variant of the word ['kurama] (general meaning highlanders), which is also the proper name of the tribe immediately to the southwest. It probably was being used as a descriptive term for Indjibandi folk in the sense of 'uplanders.' The Indjibandi circumcise but do not practice subincision. They learned the rites from the Njamal in late precontact times. The Indjibandi are regarded only as 'inland Kariara,' by the Widagari Njamal. In tradition they are said to have migrated from the southwest to their present position. The Ngaluma and Talandji call the Indjibandi and the Kurama, Jana:ri, which has the general meaning of 'Inlanders.' Color plate 29 is relevant.
Co-ordinates117°45'E x 21°40'S
Area5,000 sq. m. (13,000 sq. km.)
ReferencesWalcott, 1863; Withnell, 1901; Clement, 1903; Brown, 1912, 1913; Connelly, 1932; Tindale, 1940, 1953 MS, 1966 MS; Ride, 1952 verb. comm.; Worms, 1952 MS, 1954; Berndt, 1959, 1964; Brandenstein, 1965 MS, 1970.
Alternative NamesIndjibandji (of northern tribes), Indjibandje, Ingibandi, Jind'iparndi, Jindjiparndi, Yingiebandie, Indjiban, Jindjibanji, Binjiebandie, Mandanjongo ('top people' applied by Njamal to plateau dwellers including the Pandjima and Indjibandi), Mardanjungu (Ngaluma name), Jana:ri (Talandji name), Yanari, Kakardi ('eastern people,' name given by Ngaluma to this and adjoining tribes who circumcise).
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